domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

My sporting life

I like much the sports, but the one that I like more is basketball. I am a follower of the NBA since I am twelve years old, and my favourite team always has been and will be the Boston Celtics. When I see a soccer match of the FC Barcelona or the Spanish Selection, I am very touched , and in the important matches I can get to see as a crazy men, passes the same to me with the basketball, when the Penya, the Boston Celtics or the Spanish Selection play.
 Seeing sport I have laughed, I been happy and  sometimes I shed a tear. I practiced diverse sports around my life, of official way I have practiced: Judo, swimming and basketball. Judo is a martial art and i have very good memories of this wonderful sport, was about five or six years practicing it and participated in diverse matches. I remember that in one tournament i finish in the third place of Catalonia, logically, with the boys of my age and my weight, but i remember that this day i feel very happy, although also I had sad episodes, once I became an injury in a championship and had to take to me in ambulance. For a time I practiced the three sports simultaneously, but could not combine it with the school, reason why I had to leave judo with twelve years and swimming with eleven. I began it to the basketball to practice with five years, and was until the eight, soon to return years later, with thirteen. When I returned to play, it was as if never it had played, was lost all the practice, but with time I was improving, the first season was quite hard, because sincerely, I was very bad and had to improve much. But in the second season I  changed of team and trainer, in that team I knew a person who now is one of my better friendly, and is one of the most important people of my life. I made very many friends, and I am speaking of real friends. I was i this team four years, during that time I had some personal problems and the basketball was one of the reasons by which it was able to be happy.

My coach was fantastic, spent four years, the same as me on the team, and taught me many things, it was also a very good person. He spent a lot of people on the team, but he always trusted me in the same way I did it.
In that team played a lot of people and established a nice relationship between them, although the team used to be twelve people, only eight during all of the four years.
In the first season on this team (the second playing basketball since my return) I  had improved a lot.  I becoming  one of the most important players.

In the second season, two players who were very important last season go to other team, so I had to assume many responsibilities, I think that this season   was my best season personally, and I improved a lot more than what I and others expected. In addition to highlighting each game and got to be the top scorer in the league. I felt important, I felt valued, at that time I was not aware, but for a person is very important to feel valued and that helped me a lot personally.
Before starting the third season I was able to switch teams, there were several teams well above the level of my current team and he's  wanted me, but I was not able to leave my team. Was too happy there and did not want risk.  I was aware that basketball is to have fun, and I would be useless to go to a better team, just to improve as a player, but more importantly for me was to be happy, and in this team with my friends  was very happy.

In the third season, I had many injuries in my ankles.   Was no  the same as last season. I felt  tired and slower  but the team did not lower his level because a player has improved a lot and  he and me lead  the team, that player is that I have said before is one of my best friends.

Yet I continued to improve in other areas to compensate for my low physical level, and remained one of the top scorers in the competition.
Before starting the fourth season exactly the same thing happened to me before you start the third, and I took the same decision.
In the fourth season the coach announced that this would be his last with the team, because for his work  it was very difficult to carry out their duties as coach.
This was a hard blow for me and my team.

But the season was unforgettable, our team has improved significantly, two or three players that previous years had contributed almost nothing this year played very well. so I did not stand out as much, although as in previous years I had several amazing matches that neither I myself know how I managed to do many things. But  I'm proud of it, in the same way as in previous years I was one of the top scorers in the competition.

But at the end of the season I had to make a decision, the team was going to disappear, the coach was leaving, and many of my friends think in the retired.

As in previous years, I had offers from other teams, some very tempting, but at first I thought that if in the first of Bachillerat I did not have time for just about anything from homework, quizzes and sports, second of Bachillerat would be much more difficult and had to greatly improve half to get the score needed to make the career I want (journalism), so I decided to quit basketball.

 It was a hard decision, but necessary. Right now I'm think to  back next year to play, I talked to my old friends and everyone wants to come back. So maybe next year come back to playing again. Almost every day I miss basketball, and I'm sad not to able to play now.

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