miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

The trip to Madrid

There were many anecdotes on the voyage to Madrid and this is just one of them: the day that we come to the hotel we discovered that there was a door in the corridor where were our rooms moved alone.  On the first night at the hotel in our room (I was with Mario and Martí) rare noises were heard, and we said jokingly that they were ghosts.  At one o'clock in the morning yet i hadn't slept, but Mario and Martí had already asleep long, and at that time I began to listen to someone speaking in the room in a strange language.  After a little investigating I discovered that the noises made them Mario, then woke him up and told me that it was sonámbulo. Then we wake up to the Martí and we were talking and laughing until four in the morning.

domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

My favourite song

Honestly, I can not choose a favorite song, I have seven songs as favorites, and I like all the same, but as put the seven would be too, I choose: The show goes on  of Lupe Fiasco,this song inspired the name of my blog   and  I looks nice choose this song.

This is one of my favorite songs because it gives me happiness.
I love the sound of the song is amazing, awesome ...

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go?
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

Have you ever had the feelin' that you was bein' had?
Don't that shit there make you mad? They treat you like a slave
Put chains all on your soul and put whips up on your back
They be lyin' through they teeth, hope you slip up off your path

I don't switch up, I just laugh, put my kicks up on they desk
Unaffected by they threats, then get busy on they ass
See, that's how that Chi-Town made me, that's how my daddy raised me
That glitterin' may not be gold, don't let nobody play me

If you are my homeboy, you'll never have to pay me
Go on and put your hands up when times is hard, you stand up
L-U-P the man, 'cause the brand that the fans trust
So even if they ban us, they'll never slow my plans up

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

One in the air for the people ain't here
Two in the air for the father that's there
Three in the air for the kids in the ghetto
Four for the kids that don't wanna be there

None for the niggas tryin' to hold them back
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/l/lupe-fiasco-lyrics/the-show-goes-on-lyrics.html ]
Five in the air for the teachers not scared
To tell those kids that's livin' in the ghetto
That the niggas holdin' back that the world is theirs

Yeah, the world is yours, I was once that little boy
Terrified of the world, now I'm on a world tour
I will give up everything even start a world war
For these ghetto girls and boys, I'm rappin' 'round the world for

Africa to New York, Haiti, then I detour
Oakland out to Auckland, Gaza Strip to Detroit
Say hip hop only destroy, tell 'em look at me, boy
I hope your son don't have a gun and never be a D-boy

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

So no matter what you been through, no matter what you into
No matter what you see when you look outside your window
Brown grass or green grass, picket fence or barbed wire
Never ever put them down, you just lift your arms higher

Raise 'em 'til your arms tired let 'em know you here
That you struggling, survivin', that you gon' persevere
Yeah, ain't nobody leavin', nobody goin' home
Even if they turn the lights out, the show is goin' on

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

Alright, already, the show goes on
All night 'til the morning, we dream so long
Anybody ever wonder when they would see the sun go
Just remember when you come up, the show goes on

My favourite sportsperson or/and celebrity

I respect for many athletes and celebrities as: Bill Russell, Red Auerbach, Allen Iverson, Tracy Mcgrady, Ronaldinho, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Eminem, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson…

But, as only choose one of this celebrities, I choose Allen Iverson. Because is My favorite player of my favorite sport, basketball, and he was my first idol. So I choose him.
This player measures just 183 cm, but despite its low altitude got to be named in 2001 as the best player in the NBA, and is the second player to have more years led the league in scoring (the first is Michael Jordan) is one of the best players of all time.

My sporting life

I like much the sports, but the one that I like more is basketball. I am a follower of the NBA since I am twelve years old, and my favourite team always has been and will be the Boston Celtics. When I see a soccer match of the FC Barcelona or the Spanish Selection, I am very touched , and in the important matches I can get to see as a crazy men, passes the same to me with the basketball, when the Penya, the Boston Celtics or the Spanish Selection play.
 Seeing sport I have laughed, I been happy and  sometimes I shed a tear. I practiced diverse sports around my life, of official way I have practiced: Judo, swimming and basketball. Judo is a martial art and i have very good memories of this wonderful sport, was about five or six years practicing it and participated in diverse matches. I remember that in one tournament i finish in the third place of Catalonia, logically, with the boys of my age and my weight, but i remember that this day i feel very happy, although also I had sad episodes, once I became an injury in a championship and had to take to me in ambulance. For a time I practiced the three sports simultaneously, but could not combine it with the school, reason why I had to leave judo with twelve years and swimming with eleven. I began it to the basketball to practice with five years, and was until the eight, soon to return years later, with thirteen. When I returned to play, it was as if never it had played, was lost all the practice, but with time I was improving, the first season was quite hard, because sincerely, I was very bad and had to improve much. But in the second season I  changed of team and trainer, in that team I knew a person who now is one of my better friendly, and is one of the most important people of my life. I made very many friends, and I am speaking of real friends. I was i this team four years, during that time I had some personal problems and the basketball was one of the reasons by which it was able to be happy.

My coach was fantastic, spent four years, the same as me on the team, and taught me many things, it was also a very good person. He spent a lot of people on the team, but he always trusted me in the same way I did it.
In that team played a lot of people and established a nice relationship between them, although the team used to be twelve people, only eight during all of the four years.
In the first season on this team (the second playing basketball since my return) I  had improved a lot.  I becoming  one of the most important players.

In the second season, two players who were very important last season go to other team, so I had to assume many responsibilities, I think that this season   was my best season personally, and I improved a lot more than what I and others expected. In addition to highlighting each game and got to be the top scorer in the league. I felt important, I felt valued, at that time I was not aware, but for a person is very important to feel valued and that helped me a lot personally.
Before starting the third season I was able to switch teams, there were several teams well above the level of my current team and he's  wanted me, but I was not able to leave my team. Was too happy there and did not want risk.  I was aware that basketball is to have fun, and I would be useless to go to a better team, just to improve as a player, but more importantly for me was to be happy, and in this team with my friends  was very happy.

In the third season, I had many injuries in my ankles.   Was no  the same as last season. I felt  tired and slower  but the team did not lower his level because a player has improved a lot and  he and me lead  the team, that player is that I have said before is one of my best friends.

Yet I continued to improve in other areas to compensate for my low physical level, and remained one of the top scorers in the competition.
Before starting the fourth season exactly the same thing happened to me before you start the third, and I took the same decision.
In the fourth season the coach announced that this would be his last with the team, because for his work  it was very difficult to carry out their duties as coach.
This was a hard blow for me and my team.

But the season was unforgettable, our team has improved significantly, two or three players that previous years had contributed almost nothing this year played very well. so I did not stand out as much, although as in previous years I had several amazing matches that neither I myself know how I managed to do many things. But  I'm proud of it, in the same way as in previous years I was one of the top scorers in the competition.

But at the end of the season I had to make a decision, the team was going to disappear, the coach was leaving, and many of my friends think in the retired.

As in previous years, I had offers from other teams, some very tempting, but at first I thought that if in the first of Bachillerat I did not have time for just about anything from homework, quizzes and sports, second of Bachillerat would be much more difficult and had to greatly improve half to get the score needed to make the career I want (journalism), so I decided to quit basketball.

 It was a hard decision, but necessary. Right now I'm think to  back next year to play, I talked to my old friends and everyone wants to come back. So maybe next year come back to playing again. Almost every day I miss basketball, and I'm sad not to able to play now.

My favourite singer

For me it is very difficult to choose a favorite singer, many of them  influenced on me very much. With music and musicians, I learned to think for myself (something very valuable although people are not aware of it) and in many aspects of my life I have been influenced by my musical idols. How my favorite style of music is  rap, my favorite singer is a rapper.
But my favorite singer is: Tupac is my favorite singer because I love their music, because it talks about things that really matter, such as poverty, or the misfortunes of the people of the slums, also speaks of love, respect, of freedom...This man was born in 1971 and died in the assassinated 1996. He had a difficult childhood, his father was a criminal and they abandoned him and his mother. His family was the poorest among the neighborhoods poorer of the United States. But  he had an incredible musical talent.
It had many followers, but also there was people who hated  him reason why she said or by envy, and was go to jail of a complots to jail him it but it was ended up demonstrating that he was innocent. It was the best rapper  of history and influenced in million people with its music. There are many doubts on its death. Some say that the friends of rapper Notorious Big killed him(although this is a fake because they  wanted to reconcile their friendship ), others say they murdered for an accidental fight, others say that it was a street band and there is another group that says that the government of the United States murdered he because he criticized much  the government, he had much influence in people and was doing a revolution. There is an organization in his name that helps poor people. In some universities of United States a subject are the study of his life, and in many universities of the United States  conferences are made about his life and the values that he argued, was a brilliant person, and is one of my models to follow.

These are some of his best songs:

My hobbies

I think that I am a person very unusual but it is not bad, i think that it is good. I am interested in many things and very different types. I am interested in many things and very different types. I like much the sport, I am a great one fan of basketball, I am an expert of the NBA and a faithful follower of the Boston Celtics (the best basketball team and also sport team on the history) and of the team of my city, the Penya.

Also i am a fan of the football and i love FC Barcelona. In my free time I do a lot of activities, very different from one another. But currently I don't have much free time and in addition I am a very lazy person .This cause that I always have something to do and I almost never bored.

Also I like much read ( this surprises a lot of people) and some of the books that I read are : the Hobbit, all the saga of Harry Potter, the saga of Eragon etc Although I think that the books give that us to read in the school are very boring and I not like anything. Also I am a great fan of the cinema, sometimes I have even got to see three or four films in a day. Another one of my hobbies are the videogames, from I am a child. 

The music is my other hobbie. I love the music, is amazing the feelings that can transmit the music. I'm addicted to it. I can't go a day without music.